Happy, Happy, Birthday Kyle dear!!
After experiencing childbirth with Jessica, I said NEVER AGAIN!!
I stuck to it for 6 years. When I found out that I was pregnant again, I cried for the full 9 months!
I know! What a big cry baby I was!!!
Kyle was the easiest baby to have!!
I went into labor, 2 hours later he was out, not even enough time to even think about any kind of pain killer.
There was no need. BUT WAIT!!!
The pain killers came AFTER the delivery. I was hemorrhaging and they had to INDUCE (there's that word again!) me to try to stop the bleeding.
All was well after 3 more days in the hospital with a fever and an infection.
Then the fun came!!!
Kyle returned the favor....
...he cried continuously for about 9 months!!! Okay, maybe 3 months, it just seemed like 9 months.

Does this little guy look very sweet?Looks are very deceiving!!
This little guy was the silent, sneaky kind!
One day, just like all the others, I'm running through our upstairs, 2 story apartment, which was a mere 800 sq feet, searching for Kyle and frantically saying his name--okay, YELLING his name. Could not hear him, could not see him. Found him up in the bedroom window sill leaning against the glass, eating a cookie.
Another time, same thing but found him on the counter, in the kitchen, huddled in the corner by the microwave, yep, eating a cookie.
If there was something to get into, Kyle was there!! He found anything and everything that he shouldn't have. Jessica was the perfect big sister. With her dancing and singing through the house he could get away with anything. Kyle didn't have to talk. If there was something he wanted, he got it for himself.
Everyday was a new adventure with Kyle. Those few short mischief years seemed like forever. All of the trouble he got into as a little guy was worth it. He turned out to be quite the kid. Very loving, and very kind-hearted.

This sweater vest makes him look like a choir-boy! He'll love me for this one!
Kyle, Happy 22nd birthday!!! You have always made me very proud to be your mom. Thank you for all your love and kindness! You have always been such a great example to our family! It is so awesome to see how you have grown in the gospel and I'm so very grateful for your testimony! You are an amazing son, brother, husband and father!! I love you bud!!